My story starts well over 20 years ago. With the support of my husband, I ended my banking career to become an at-home mom. Ultimately, closing one chapter in my life, opened so many more opportunities to experience other interests. With constant trips to libraries with the children, I would venture to the arts section. I was always fascinated with glass, even at an early age. I can remember being mesmerized by a glass blower at a local fair and thought how magical and effortless he made it seem. Somehow, I knew, that I would someday work with this medium; I just didn't know how or when. Classes were unavailable locally; but, after several visits to the library, with kids in tow, I took out every reference manual I could get my hands on and experimented . Self taught, and after many triumphs and failures, I am proud to say that my work has been accepted at some of the most prestigious Arts venues in the country. I also exhibit at "juried" Arts and Crafts Shows throughout the year, as well as, teach my medium to school age children. My first love is and always will be my children. Glass adds another dimension of beauty and creativity to my life that I hope will also be my legacy.